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Rey niñera

Anker housesit
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(Versión en inglés a continuación)

Hola, soy Carl y viajo solo por Europa con mi autocaravana.

Me encantan las mascotas, pero no es posible tener una sola durante los viajes, así que cuido casas y mascotas con regularidad. ​

Me conecto fácilmente con perros y gatos, los "leo" sin esfuerzo y estoy en sintonía con sus necesidades.

He seguido adiestramientos caninos antes.

Una visita a una casa es para mí una especie de "pausa de viaje", por lo que explorar la zona durante la visita no es mi primera prioridad. Prefiero dedicarme a tiempo completo a la mascota y la casa.

Como emprendedor, también enfoco el cuidado de una casa como un "negocio".

(con la única diferencia de que no hay dinero de por medio;)

Me gusta ser puntual, siempre realizar una reunión introductoria con anticipación y asegurarme de que se lleguen a acuerdos mutuos, para que las expectativas de ambas partes se gestionen bien. por eso:

Rey niñera

cuando se trata de

cuida casas

Soy ordenada, ordenada, limpia y cuido el hogar y las mascotas como si fueran mi propia casa y mis mascotas.

Otras disposiciones previa consulta.

PD: las mascotas en las fotos son todas mascotas domésticas. Viajo sin mascota.

A continuación encontrará varios blogs con reseñas sobre mi casa.

Hola, soy Carl y viajo solo por Europa con mi autocaravana.

Me encantan las mascotas, pero tener una para mí mientras viajo no es realmente posible, por eso cuido casas y mascotas con regularidad.

Conecto fácilmente con perros y gatos, los "leo" sin dificultad y estoy en sintonía con sus necesidades.

También he realizado cursos de adiestramiento canino anteriormente.

Una sentada en una casa es para mí una especie de "descanso de viaje", por lo que explorar la zona durante la sesión no es mi primera prioridad.

Prefiero dedicarme a tiempo completo a los animales y la casa.

Como empresario, también enfoco el cuidado de casas como un "negocio".

(la única diferencia es que no hay dinero involucrado;)

Soy puntual, siempre tengo una reunión introductoria con antelación y me aseguro de que se lleguen a buenos acuerdos por ambas partes, para que las expectativas de ambas partes estén bien organizadas, por lo tanto:

Rey niñera

cuando se trata de

cuida casas

Soy ordenada, ordenada, limpia y cuido del hogar y de los animales como si fueran míos.

Otros acuerdos en consulta.

Pd: los animales en las fotos son todos animales que cuidan niños. Viajo sin mascota.

A continuación encontrará varios blogs con reseñas sobre mi niñera.


Reviews as found in the blogs below

Marbella (ES) - Apr 24 - 2 dogs

Dogs were immediately at ease in his presence! Carl is very reliable, responsible, and caring. It was a true pleasure to have him in our house. It was our first experience and we feel very confident now about TrustedHousesitters!


Algeciras (ES) - Jan 24 - 3 dogs, 1 cat, fish

Carl is the best housesitter we ever got. Really awsome and took excellent care of our dogs and house.

I recommend him to anybody wishing to be away with peace of mind , be sure he is there to take really good care.


Puçol (ES) - Dec 23 - 1 dog, 1 cat

Carl was lovely and gets top marks in our book across the board. Easygoing, responsible, communicative, tidy and very caring are just some of the words that come to mind. He certainly deserves his nickname of "Housesit King" and we hope to have him back another time...

Bloemendaal (NL) - Aug 23 - 1 dog

Carl's the best! Reliable, clean and pleasant for us owners. And a great companion for our dog Dago. He handled Dago very well, and even left him under better command. He shared regular updates via whatsapp, which took away any worries and let us simply enjoy our holidays. We highly recommended Carl for your house/pet sitting.

São Martinho do Porto (PT) - May 23 - 2 dogs

Carl was the perfect choice for this one -week-house sitting. It was very convenient because he could just drive to our place with his camper van, being very flexible about the arrival and departure time. As we had an early flight, he also offered to come in a few days earlier so we could make a proper checkin process and introduce him to the dogs. We were very happy with all his flexibility as we have a newborn at home too. From the first moment we felt he would easily handle both dogs, specially Zeca, our naughty beagle. So we traveled with peace of mind, knowing they would have a good time together. We received daily updates as we requested. Since day one, we felt they were happy and well taken care. Even though our senior beagle can be a challenging dog to watch, this never scared Carl. It was the opposite, he was thrilled about the challenge! We got back home and found everything exactly as we left it, including our happy dogs waiting for us! Thanks again Carl, hope our paths cross again soon!

Lisbon (PT) May 23 - 1 dog

Carl was a wonderful sitter, excellent at connecting with our dog, very dedicated to her needs and overall a very nice person. We found Olga very happy and peaceful when we got back. Carl had taken her daily at her favorite park, which we appreciated a lot. We found the house just like we left it. We recommend Carl 100%

Sitio de Calahonda (ES) 2nd time - Mar 23 - 2 dogs

Carl is fantástic! He tooked care of our 2 baby dogs while we were out of Spain for 30 days. He did a wonderful job especially with Oreo who is 19 years old and needed to go to the vet several times, take medications and especial food due to stomach issues. He kept us informed and updated us on all the dogs progress and sent us videos and pictures. The apartment was kept cleaned and in order and he was nice even to our neighbors. Great housitter and dog lover! We highly recomend Carl for your sitting needs. We definetely use his services again. Thank you Carl!!

Sitio de Calahonda (ES) - Feb 23 - 2 dogs

Carl was wonderful sitter, took care of our 2 dogs. One is 19 years old and have her moments. Carl was very pacient with her. He walked them and feed them as instructed so they were well and happy when we got back home. The apartment was clean and in same condition as we left it. We will definitivamente have Carl in our home again! We highly recommend him for your sitter needs.

Bollullos (ES) - Dec 22/Jan 23 - 2 Dogs

It was a real pleasure for Indie and Bola (my 2 dogs) to have a sitter so attuned to their needs.

Carl was very helpful, flexible and understanding with small hiccups that arose during his stay.

He was also regularly in contact sending pictures and informing me of any issues.

My dogs and I would be happy to welcome him again in the future.

Riogordo (ES) - Oct 22 & Jan 23 - 2 Cats
Carl is a very nice housesitter. Our cats loved him, we had pleasant and relaxed contact during our holiday and we came home to a wonderfully clean house (with a nice bottle of red for after unpacking ;)).

He is certainly welcome again to housesit or for a drink in transit!

Driebergen (NL) - Aug 22 - 1 Cat 'Knaagje'
Very nice to hear that you have had a good time here Carl.

And we are very happy that there was someone to keep an eye on things and to be there with and for Knaagje.

How nice it was to come home! Nice and clean and tidy. And Knaagje was there to wait for us. 😻

Rotterdam (NL) - Aug 22 - 3 dogs, 7 cats, 1 parrot
Carl, thank you again for all your care for the many pets. 
This is really so nice coming home.

Everything is neat and the dogs and cats are happy!

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Rey niñera


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